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contoh kalimat that after

"that after" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • You deserve that after everything you've been through.
    Kau layak mendapatkannya setelah semua yang kau lalui.
  • Maybe you can help me with that after dinner tonight.
    Mungkin kau bisa menolongku nanti malam.
  • But I demand that after we eat, we play charades.
    Tapi setelahnya, kita main tebak kata.
  • You ask me that after we fucked?
    Anda bertanya kepada saya bahwa setelah kita fucked?
  • that after spending thirty years in this school
    Bahwa setelah menghabiskan tiga puluh tahun di sekolah ini
  • My mother did that after I ran away.
    Ibuku melakukannya setelah aku kabur dari sini.
  • You thought that after the second breakup?
    Kau pikir itu setelah mereka putus kali kedua?
  • Couldn't you do that after my death?
    Tak bisakah kau melakukan itu setelah aku mati?
  • I have already told you that after my graduation..
    Dan aku juga sudah katakan padamu setelah kelulusanku..
  • You wouldn't know that after you're gone
    Kau tidak akan tahu bahwa setelah kau pergi
  • That after years, and years of asking, and asking, and asking.
    Setelah bertahun-tahun, meminta! Meminta dan meminta.
  • To remember that you said that, after winning the match.
    Ingat yg kau katakan, setelah memenangkan pertandingan.
  • He got that after the fighting at Transvaal.
    Ia baru mendapatkannya setelah bertempur di Transvaal.
  • I only realize that after I read the history.
    Aku hanya menyadari bahwa setelah aku membaca sejarah.
  • And we thought that after all this time
    Dan kami pikir bahwa setelah sekian lama
  • And I want you to know that, after last night
    Dan aku ingin kau tahu. Setelah semalam.
  • How can you say that after today?
    Bagaimana bisa kau katakan itu, setelah semuanya sampai hari ini?
  • Well, Richard Farley was like that after his rampage.
    Nah, Richard Farley juga seperti itu setelah mengamuk.
  • Eating like that after I was stigmatized all day?
    Makan seperti itu setelah aku syuting sepanjang hari?
  • I walk like that after a night of heavy pounding'.
    Aku berjalan seperti itu saat larut malam.
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